About Me

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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Take a Stand

I visited my friend the other night, and we sat on his front wall having SUCH a Deep Meaningful Conversation about humanity. Yes, he's a guy, he plays videogames, he plays rubgy and cricket, he has a girlfriend, he LOVES eating. But I can talk to him and feel perfectly safe.
I was venting about how upset I was that males cannot control themselves and think it's perfectly alright to go ahead and read FHM and Playboy and watch explicit porn. I was SO MAD that I honestly thought I was going to start crying right there, on his front wall. He moved closer to me and, said quietly, so that the other people running around in the front yard could not hear, 'Yes, I think its awful. But it makes them feel like men. I know lots of people like that. It's very stupid. But it's also because they want to seem cool. I'm not sure why they can't just be themselves and keep it real.'
It was such a gem of wisdom from a great guy friend that I gave him a massive hug, tears forgotten for a while. There are people out there who try their very hardest to be themselves no matter what anybody else says. My friend also said that his stepfather told him when he was little, 'Be the best person you can be.' He said that it really stuck with him and I can see the difference in him compared to the other boys. There are people like my friend with integrity and individuality who are completely cool and can talk honestly with people without the fear on being 'uncool'.

How Does It Feel Knowing You're Buried Alive?

"How does it feel knowing you're buried alive?" ask 'Falling in Reverse in their hit single, 'Caught Like a Fly'.
Lying is terrible.
Deceving is terrible.
Your life is a chronicle of your choices, good and bad. You an choose your actions, but you cannot choose the consequences. People hardly ever think before they act. They may not care what happens to them, but one stupid action hurts others all around you.
Don't do anything that hurts others in order to protect yourself. Think about why you are doing something wrong, and if it's for some dumb gain for yourself, DON'T DO IT.
Help everyone around you but not lying through your teeth. Lying in omission is just as bad. If you know that your friend's boyfriend is cheating on her, tell her before it hurts her even more later on. Don't get yourself 'caught in a web of your lies.'
Even if it will hurt you to own up, take courage.

So. That was short and simple :D

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Don't Fight It...

When you're feeling something, feel it.
Don't run away from it...
'Numbing the pain for a while will only make it worse when you finally feel it.' -Dumbledore  :D

Everyone feels pain...a bad exam day, a break-up, a family member being ill, a pet dying, a friend moving away. And the love that we feel for people makes our lives AMAZING until they're removed from our lives. Don't cry because they're gone, smile because they were there.

It's in human nature to fight against things that we don't understand. We cannot go outside at night without a torch because we FIGHT against the dark. From space, you can see all of the lights in the cities in the nighttime. So even space can see how afraid we have become.

Go out in the rain without a raincoat.
On a cold day, open all the windows.
Have dessert first.
Wear your shoes on the wrong feet.
Live like you are UNAFRAID...
Sing out loud that you love the earth but not running away from your emotions. Feel them, cry, shout. When it's over...live your life like you did before. You're not forgetting or replacing people or things...you're just helping yourself to live the best life that you can. You're honoring the things that have passed :D


On Facebook earlier this year...on the list of people 'I May Know...' there was a picture of this chick with black ponytails, a lip piercing and a shirt that said 'Five Hundred Dollar Smut.'
I friend requested her.
She accepted.
This was Ireland Kraft.
She is amazing.
If I had never met her. I would have been depressed most of this WHOLE YEAR.

{She flaps her arms and squeals when she's happy}
{She has THEEEE cutest smile EVER}
{She has planked before}
{She is really a boy. Because, you know}
{She LOVES Sundrop}
{Earlier this year she got THE most SORE-looking sunburn EVER}
{She is buds to, like, EVERYONE that knows her}
{She cuts her hair all the time}
{She has made me YOUTUBE videos}
{She has theee most BOSS editing skills}
{She lives in America}
{She is buds with Hannah Blacker, Morgan Chiverella and Haley}
{She paints her face like a kitty}
{She pierced her own lip....BRAVE}
{She is the WHACKIEST person ever}
{Oh yes....SHE IS A COMPLETE STUNNER. She is INSANELY pretty. She has AMAZING eyes and the most BEAUTIFUL face. Even with whiskers <3}

So, I'm sure that you can tell that I LOVE Ireland EXTREME amounts and I WISH we were sisters <3
Well, we are.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

You Are The One Responsible For Your Own Happiness :)

Florence Welch sings an amazing song, 'Shake It Out' {Florence & the Machine}and some of the lyrics are:

"And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off

I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn "

Albus Dumbledore {Harry Potter, J.K Rowling} said:

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of time
If only we remember to turn on the light."

This makes me realise....that each and every single person is responsible for their own happiness. Other people can influence how we feel at any given time...but if we chose not to let it bother us, we can stat happy despite what happens.

We need to remember that dwelling in the past and focusing on things that are depressing or uninspiring will bring us down.

SMILE and it will lift you and everyone around you. :D