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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Lesson Learned

The awkward moment when I realised that I was going to fail my Accounting exam on my backside, I started reading the posters on the walls. Some of which read:

'Its about love.
Its about compassion.
Its about kindness and faith.
It has nothing to do with luck.
You get what you give, so give good <3'

'You will never get old if you carry your childhood with you.'

'The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.'

This sparked various other things to be rolled over in my mind closed to the blank General Ledger account paper in front of me.
Just recently, a boy I loved very much and thought I was completely happy with, told me a big lie. I tried my VERY best to believe him, thinking that what other people were telling me was useless and untrue. Instead, I realised that ignoring my parents and my friends who told me that he was untrustworthy and abusive, I was believing the very person who is now ostracizing me and acting as if I have hurt him, when all I have done is be trusting, loving and affectionate.
I realised that you need to be perfectly happy on your own so that when something happens to you, you love yourself enough not to blame yourself for everything or go on a drastic diet, or dye your hair blue in a last-ditch attempt to be still loved by a selfish person who has respect only for himself.

I also realised that instead of thinking 'Why is this happening to me?!' you should rather ask yourself 'Why am I being sad about this!?' and choose to be happy.
In the days following the fight that we had, I had a foam fight with my brothers, painted my face, playing loud dance music and ran through the rain. I was choosing to be happy. I made myself think of other things, instead of letting poisonousness creep into my brain and depress. This all made sense inside, but the person who I rammed with a shopping trolley while coasting on it at top speed, didn't exactly understand it.

I also learned that talking to people on electronic messaging helps NOTHING. It in fact worsens the problem and messages get mixed-up and mis-interpreted. Rumours spread like wildfire.
I was so thankful for my friends Simone and Ashleigh, who in the last week have taught me that it does not matter what anyone else thinks, but that we will always be there for eachother and people cannot damage us if we choose to think positive and love everything around us :D

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