About Me

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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Friday, February 25, 2011

I think I have...

Do you ever wake up from a dream thinking that it really happened?
According to my parents, I talk in my sleep every night; although they've never bothered to tape me (and thats what I would do if someone talked in their sleep) so I have my doubts. But, I have mumbled about not eating kittens, killing Old MacDonald, ruling the world and going shoe-shopping. I never remember any of it.
But, on the other hand, dreams can be so VIVID. Full of color and sound and sound and dialogue and real people and places. It actually just fills you with hope which dissolves as you gradually notice that you are in your own bed in your own room instead of having a slumber party with Selena Gomez. Disturbing, but true. I don't even listen to her music.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The* DANCE *

The most fun I've had in weeks happened last Friday night.
Normally I would have been slothing around at home eating toast and kicking up my feet in my Paul Frank pyjamas. But, instead I was decked out in an Iron Fist skull skirt ad black Pors-Za shirt at a dance filled with dim lighting, helium balloons and white-painted trees. I think I was tentative about dancing at first, but my best friends Simone, Shannon-lee, Reese and Bryce were all jamming off, so I think I let go a little.
Just a little.
Okay, more than a little.
After dancing to Grease music, the Macarena and various Casper Slide versions, I couldn't breathe in the stuffiness of it all, but I LOVED it.
I think after a few rounds of stolen helium balloons, none of us couldn't take each other seriously with voices like demented mice.
Club mixes, pop songs, hard rock, sloppy love rhythms and twangy country all blended into one another. After feeling that too many brain cells had been lost imitating Hayley Williams' head banging, I sat in the shadows with my friends sucking on great big globes of inflated rubber. Like I said, nothing could be better fun.
After all, I convinced my two rebels to come (Reese and Bryce). So, why not sound like stupid little kids?
We all were.
And...um...some of us still are. (blush)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My birthday was on the seventeenth. I am quite disgusted at myself that I could not be torn from my dinky presents and chocolate cupcakes and weird tasting ( but delicious) potato chips to write a blog on it. After staying up all night waiting for a courier, notification email or just a package thrown over the front wall, it became pretty clear to me the next morning that I would not be receiving a pair of Doc Martens. Purple or matte black, it was just not happening.
After drowning my sorrows with Happy Tree Friends shirts and purchases from Iron Fist and Jay Jays including a multicoloured tasselled beanie, a shirt depicting giant grey and pink monsters fighting and some rather flimsy floral pumps, I was able to attend school.
Where, I should mention, I walked around with a bubbling shock of balloons the whole day.
I had to go home like that too. Where, I should memtion, someone asked me how much it was for two and whether I catered for large Chicago-themed parties. Needless to say, I popped everyone of them, first chance I got.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Words on the NET***

thts so nyc nd i tnk we shud get 2getha on da wkend cos ive got sumthin to tell ya bout skule.
im so amped 4 wednes cuz or teacha is sck so we gotta free prd until 1st brek.
nd i luv kevin so much he is jst amazin and i so wanna c yr new shoes, kelly!! :) <3

Oh my word.
Oy vey.
My goodness.
And, as my friend Hannah would say; ' Flippa-dippa-doo-dah.'

This is getting out of hand! I feel sorry for the poor souls who formulated the English language. It must have taken a long time. And it is being butchered. :( and i excuse my smili fc)

Who decided how the world is now???

What is normal?
Who decides what is stupid or gross or ugly?
Who decided how our governments and Parliaments are run?
Why do we have leaders?
What would happen without technology?

I'm sitting here wishing that I was wearing skinny-cut green jeans with an Emily the Strange hoodie and a Florence + the Machine band top and some REALLY out-of-this-world vintage Doc Martens.
Sadly, I look like a domestic worker in some blue dress that you could probably purchase at a hyper-mart in the South. This is our sad excuse for a uniform.

Back to my whole point, I am seriously considering creating my own world. Fashion is a religion, the sky CAN be purple even in the daytime and children grow up thinking that the respectful way to greet eachother is by sticking their fingers in eachother's ears. This sounds weird now, but if some other forms of life landed here and that was the norm, then how strange would a blue sky, two eyes and walking upright be??

I think that many of the things that we consider normal and acceptable and cool now would be really stupid or outlandish anywhere else. Cavemen ate raw meat. We cook it. They rolled around on rocks. We have cars. They could not formulate comprehendable words. We have thousands of languages.

A cave man walks into our world with busy roads, tall buildings and shark infested waters.

Go figure.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I should honestly be protecting them. Conserving their natural environment, ensuring that they have adequate habitat and generally being grateful for their existence. But right now, I wish bees had never shoved their stripy little butts onto the Ark.

I got stung on Sunday whilst innocently carrying a small child. Granted, bending over to pick up a pair of shoes and put them on my feet would not have been difficult, but one hardly expects to tread on a bee and then suffer the consequences. I'm sure if I hadn't ground him again and again into his final resting place (a patch of miniature daisies) he might have cried defensively out, 'But I was only minding my own business! This is, after all, my home! YOU intruded on ME not the OTHER WAY ROUND.'
But, thankfully his buzzing was silenced by a quick slap of the heel. Thinking back, it did no good but to terrify the young child and forever make it think of starting Anti-Bee-Cruelty campaigns. Luckily, she was too young to talk.

However, now I am frantically (even as I type this) scratching at my swollen foot. It is Tuesday, friends. My friend's sting last year simmered down after 24 hours. I am convinced that I was cursed in this little bugger's last moments.
Moral of the story: decide to wear shoes no matter how warm the weather, look through tufts of grass or flowers BEFORE stepping there and, very honestly, teach children that cruelty to wildlife is unacceptable.
(I'm sure that if my parents had taught me that instead of fooling around with Play-Do Fun Factories, I would not be itching like this. ^^)

I am NEVER eating honey again. How's that for boycotting?!!

Belated Valentines Day

Yesterday I opened a Love-Heart candy that said, ' Scent of a rose remains in the hand of the giver.'
I thought 'Yeah! This valentine's day is totally about giving, because honestly, I'm not getting anything.' But, when I found a broken heart shaped cookie addressed to me in my post box this morning, I though of it as a bad omen. ^^
Anyhow, I think if any aliens really wanted to take over the world by brainwashing, the thing to do it as would be Valentines Day. Everyone gets up and buys pointless things like grainy chocolate in red foil and things like red glitter wands that honestly just get thrown out, like, a day later. Teddy bears and t-shirts might be kept for slightly longer, but do eventually join the ranks of the Unwanted-Garage-Sale-Candidates.

Giving, however, cannot be thrown out and lasts forever in people's memories. Whether or not you decide to remember the time a boy gave you a worm in grade nought, giving is always good. Think about it: if everyone gives to everyone else, everybody ends up getting something; including you!

Well, I think that wearing an over-sized CCCP shirt with blue tights and white denim shorts is out of the question, but it might look cool with a grey knitted hat. Thinking of fashion makes me hungry. Sitting in a cold computer room talking nonsense is fun, but eating broken heart cookies is better.