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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who decided how the world is now???

What is normal?
Who decides what is stupid or gross or ugly?
Who decided how our governments and Parliaments are run?
Why do we have leaders?
What would happen without technology?

I'm sitting here wishing that I was wearing skinny-cut green jeans with an Emily the Strange hoodie and a Florence + the Machine band top and some REALLY out-of-this-world vintage Doc Martens.
Sadly, I look like a domestic worker in some blue dress that you could probably purchase at a hyper-mart in the South. This is our sad excuse for a uniform.

Back to my whole point, I am seriously considering creating my own world. Fashion is a religion, the sky CAN be purple even in the daytime and children grow up thinking that the respectful way to greet eachother is by sticking their fingers in eachother's ears. This sounds weird now, but if some other forms of life landed here and that was the norm, then how strange would a blue sky, two eyes and walking upright be??

I think that many of the things that we consider normal and acceptable and cool now would be really stupid or outlandish anywhere else. Cavemen ate raw meat. We cook it. They rolled around on rocks. We have cars. They could not formulate comprehendable words. We have thousands of languages.

A cave man walks into our world with busy roads, tall buildings and shark infested waters.

Go figure.


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