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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Belated Valentines Day

Yesterday I opened a Love-Heart candy that said, ' Scent of a rose remains in the hand of the giver.'
I thought 'Yeah! This valentine's day is totally about giving, because honestly, I'm not getting anything.' But, when I found a broken heart shaped cookie addressed to me in my post box this morning, I though of it as a bad omen. ^^
Anyhow, I think if any aliens really wanted to take over the world by brainwashing, the thing to do it as would be Valentines Day. Everyone gets up and buys pointless things like grainy chocolate in red foil and things like red glitter wands that honestly just get thrown out, like, a day later. Teddy bears and t-shirts might be kept for slightly longer, but do eventually join the ranks of the Unwanted-Garage-Sale-Candidates.

Giving, however, cannot be thrown out and lasts forever in people's memories. Whether or not you decide to remember the time a boy gave you a worm in grade nought, giving is always good. Think about it: if everyone gives to everyone else, everybody ends up getting something; including you!

Well, I think that wearing an over-sized CCCP shirt with blue tights and white denim shorts is out of the question, but it might look cool with a grey knitted hat. Thinking of fashion makes me hungry. Sitting in a cold computer room talking nonsense is fun, but eating broken heart cookies is better.

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