About Me

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Music makes me appreciate life. I cannot imagine a life without rain, smiling, love and friends. Every day is beautiful, no matter what happens. As long as the touch of someone's hand, the sight of a rainbow or the smell of a fresh garden makes you want to dance, you're living. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~*~

Friday, February 25, 2011

I think I have...

Do you ever wake up from a dream thinking that it really happened?
According to my parents, I talk in my sleep every night; although they've never bothered to tape me (and thats what I would do if someone talked in their sleep) so I have my doubts. But, I have mumbled about not eating kittens, killing Old MacDonald, ruling the world and going shoe-shopping. I never remember any of it.
But, on the other hand, dreams can be so VIVID. Full of color and sound and sound and dialogue and real people and places. It actually just fills you with hope which dissolves as you gradually notice that you are in your own bed in your own room instead of having a slumber party with Selena Gomez. Disturbing, but true. I don't even listen to her music.

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